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How much does the program cost?


We are happy to announce that Time For Play has been accepted into The Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) agreement. 

This means that fees will now be as low as $12/day for 5 mornings a week!


Is a fee required to add my child to the waitlist?

No, registration for the waitlist requires no deposit.

Can my child’s name stay on the wait list even if the class is full?

Yes, families sometimes drop out of the program due to a change of circumstances so we may contact families during the school year to offer placement.


How do I register my child?

Our school accepts applications on a first-come-first served basis so it is never too early to add your child to our wait list. There is no financial commitment required until you confirm your child’s placement (6 months before the school year). You can add your child to our wait list using our online registration form or contact us.

Our registrars begin contacting families on our wait list each January and February before the school year.

Families must confirm their acceptance of the placement sometime in Spring (registrar will provide you with a deadline) upon completing paperwork and submitting a non-refundable security deposit.

Does my child have to be toilet trained to be enrolled in the program?

No, we understand that children all develop at different rates, and we are happy to accommodate individual needs of our students.

Have more questions?
Contact Us or:
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